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Current Partners

Prof. Dr. Christoph Wunder, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany

Christoph Wunder is a professor of economics and econometrics. He holds the chair of econometrics at MLU. Christoph supervises one of our PhD students within the RuWell project.




Prof. Assis. Dr. Iliriana Miftari, University of Prishtina, Kosovo

Iliriana Miftari is a researcher in the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Prishtina, Kosovo. Her research is in the areas of agricultural economics and environmental science. Dr. Iliriana is one of our partners in Kosovo.




Prof. Assoc. Dr. Edvin Zhllima, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania

Edvin Zhllima is an associate professor in the Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness at the Agricultural University of Tirana. He is our scientific partner in Albania.




Prof. Assoc. Dr. Drini Imami, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania

Drini Imami is an associate professor in the Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness at the Agricultural University of Tirana. He is also our scientific partner in Albania.




Prof. Dr. Gertrud Buchenrieder, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany

Gertrud Buchenrieder is the chair of development economics and policy at Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich. Her research focuses on multi-dimensional poverty and social inequality, institutions and socio-economic development, mogration, flight and sedentary, microfinance, human safety, and development.



Prof. Dr. Steven Weldon, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Steven Weldon is a professor of political science at Simon Fraser University, Canada. His research focuses on politics of diversity and immigration issues in Canada, the United States and across Europe.




Prof. Dr. Philip Morrison, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Philip Morrison is an urban/economic geographer with the following research interests: The geography of happiness - the impact of place on subjective well-being. He begins with the observation that objective and subjective measures of local well-being are only weakly correlated and raises questions about the appropriate mix of well-being measures being developed to guide policy at both the national and local levels. His empirical work focuses on the way we can assess the effect of place on people’s subjective well-being.