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RuWell team participates in the 2024 BeWell meeting

12 March 2024

Our colleagues, Arbnora Shala, Johnson Kansiime and our project leader Dr. Antje Jantsch yet again had the pleasure to participate in this year’s Berlin Network of Research on Wellbeing (BeWell) meeting that took place in Magdeburg. Engaging discussions, great presentations and invaluable networking were some of the many opportunities the event had to offer. A key message from this year’s event was emphasis on the distribution of well-being as opposed to just population averages. This underscored the importance of capturing inequality in wellbeing. During the event, our two doctoral researchers Arbnora and Johnson had the pleasure to meet their TAC members, Peter Howley and Gundi Knies. The duo engaged in discussions in a less formal cordial atmosphere and our students very much benefited from this kind of exchange. The several manuscripts being currently prepared will surely benefit from next year’s event and we very much look forward to this.